The Parent Committed campaign is about providing support to parents and families with teenagers. This campaign urges parents to renew their commitment as a parent and support their child through their journey into adulthood–when they are discovering and defining who they are.
As a parent, you are the most influential person in your child's life. Youth who have regular serious conversations about drug prevention with their parents are around 50% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t. Talk to your kids about alcohol and drugs. Start early, talk often. 90% of people who abuse and/or are addicted to nicotine, alcohol, and or other drugs began using these substances before age 18.
Children’s earliest interactions occur within the family and can be positive or negative. For this reason, factors that affect early development in the family are probably to the most critical. Children are more likely to experience risk with there is:
1) lack of mutual attachment and nurturing by parents or caregivers;
2) ineffective parenting;
3) a chaotic home environment;
4) lack of a significant relationship with a caring adult; and
5) a caregiver who abuses substances, suffers from mental illness', or engages in criminal behavior.
On the other hand, families can serve a protective function when there is:
1) a strong bond between children and their families;
2) parental involvement in a child’s life;
3) supporting parenting that meets financial, emotional, cognitive, and social needs; and clear limits and consistent enforcement of discipline. (Health, 2003)
We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about the Pledge. For additional tips on how to make your conversation count check out
We also encourage you to connect with other parents who have also taken the Parent's Committed Pledge.
You are not in this alone. Along with other parents who have taken the pledge, local law enforcement is working to enforce local ordinances and patrol our communities. Every year local police respond to house party calls and will continue to hold adults responsible for providing alcohol and drugs to minors in their homes.
As a parent, I pledge to do my part to stop underage drinking and youth drug use by:
· Talking to my children about alcohol and drugs
· Discussing and setting clear boundaries, rules, and consequences when it comes to alcohol and drugs
· Actively chaperone all underage activities in my home and not serve or allow alcoholic beverages or drugs to be used on my premise
· Welcoming calls from other parents whose children have been invited to my home
· Supporting school & community enforcement of underage drinking and drug use
· Knowing where my children will be and expect them to communicate if plans change
Clinton Substance Abuse Council
Copyright © 2024 Clinton Substance Abuse Council - All Rights Reserved. Everyone is encouraged to get involved. The Clinton Substance Abuse Council (which includes the Camanche-DeWitt Coalition and the Gateway ImpACT Coalition) does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.