The Gateway ImpACT Coalition has been working hard to reduce the number of youths who use alcohol, drugs, and vape; but we need your help. We are a group of your friends, neighbors and professionals working together to prevent youth alcohol, drug and vape use and keep kids safe in the Clinton area. We’re very excited to involve our community in our latest fundraising effort.
With these funds, our organization will be able educate youth and parents about local substance use issues through our Hidden in Plain Sight Experience and other community outreach opportunities.
We need your help to reach more adults and youth about the importance of not using drugs during adolescent brain development. Prevention is better together! To meet our fundraising goal, it will truly take a village. Are you able to support this incredible cause?
Donations to Gateway ImpACT Coalition (eligible for bonus & match) can be made on our website: or mail a check to:
Gateway ImpACT Coalition
1900 N. 3rd Street
Clinton, Iowa 52732
Donations to Gateway ImpACT Coalition are matched by an anonymous donor dollar for dollar and monthly donations are matched with a $100 bonus match. So, your monthly donation of $5 a month equals $60/year investment. Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar, so $60 and a $100 bonus=$160 match +$60 your investment= Your $60 gift has a total value is $220.
Thank you for your support!
Note: The Gateway ImpACT Coalition is part of the Clinton Substance Abuse Council, which is a non-profit organization.
Clinton Substance Abuse Council
Copyright © 2024 Clinton Substance Abuse Council - All Rights Reserved. Everyone is encouraged to get involved. The Clinton Substance Abuse Council (which includes the Camanche-DeWitt Coalition and the Gateway ImpACT Coalition) does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.